Sabrina Harrison

Sabrina Harrison
I am Sabrina Harrison

Thursday 30 May 2013

Barbadian Souse.

Being half barbadian, I decided to teach myself how to make souse; a dish often eaten as a salad because it consists of pigs tails, cucumber, onion and lime.
Here is a picture of my twist on souse...

Seaside cake with a silver twist!

Hi everyone,
I entered my cake into a competition. It is all about piping so I decided to try my hand at filigree for the first time, and I added some lattice work and hand moulded flowers for some colour :) smiley face.

Saturday 25 May 2013

I'm a big writer...

As you can see I also like to write songs and stories, so i'm posting up some extracts and lyrics from my songs and stories...

This is a new era time for your luck to change, no moping life's too short for that. Keep your head up and show your confidence. Believe in yourself and grace the world with your talent. Don't give up keep going because it's your time!!!-Sabrina Harrison. Taken from Sabrina Harrison's song Don't give up!

Standing right in front of the mirror i'm proud to see where i've come. Staring at my reflection I smile as I proudly say aloud i'm a strong woman. Independent woman runs through my mind!-Sabrina Harrison. Taken from Strong woman.

Excerpt from Sabrina Harrison's song Never got to say goodbye!!!

Not a day goes by when I don't think about you and how much I love you, the slightest thing reminds me of you bringing tears to my eyes. You may no longer be here but you're never forgotten so much things I wish I could've said, but I know you here it all from above.
Everyday I still think about you deep inside my heart-Sabrina Harrison

An excerpt from my song Never got to say goodbye which I wrote for my grandad whose 7th anniversary was yesterday, and my uncles.

Dessert mania

Hi everybody, these are the desserts that i baked recently. In the picture we have Chocolate tart using chocolate i made from scratch, Lemon meringue pie and Jam tart.

Trio of desserts

Chocolate tart

Lemon meringue pie

Jam tart


These are my Chocolate chip cookies and Oatmeal and raisin cookies.

Crafts women!!!!

Me and my sister have created some new soft, cuddly teddybears called Sherina's teddybears for all to enjoy. She makes the bears and I knit the clothes for them. Good times.  Here's the link for them.

And here's some of them: